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History of the Décolleté

  /  Alexandra Voltan   /  History of the Décolleté

History of the Décolleté

In the last article we told you the history of Made in Italy, while in this new article we tell you the history of the décolleté, from its birth a few centuries ago to the décolleté of modern times.

The history of the décolleté begins in the sixteenth century and was certainly not a purely feminine shoe, indeed it was used by soldiers as an infantry uniform.

Clearly it was not the same décolleté with stiletto heel that we use today, in fact it was without heel. They were then worn by the female sex only in the eighteenth century and represented an alternative shoe to the discomfort of slippers and laced boots.

At the end of the 18th century, with the advent of patent leather, there was a turning point and the décolleté began to be worn both by women and by men, particularly during the dance, as modern footwear used especially on holidays.

With time, the décolleté then became in effect footwear exclusively for women, embellished with bows and buckles to make them more and more special and precious.

And the heel instead when born?

The heel is an Italian invention, in fact the first to launch the fashion of the heel was Caterina De Medici: during her marriage with the future King of France, the duke of Orleans, she used heeled shoes of about 7 centimeters to live up to her husband.

However, the first true décolleté with stiletto heels were born in 1953 in Vigevano and presented wooden heels, which later on were modified with the addition of the aluminum base to avoid breaking them.

From that moment on, the décolleté with the stiletto heel became the icon of femininity as it is today, changing shape and size to create different styles suitable for everyone.

Among the creations of Alexandra Voltan you can find various models of décolleté and in the next article we will discover together the Timeless Collection of Alexandra Voltan, which also presents models of this type of shoe.

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